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Welcome to Artigraphy Editing

‘I’m a non-native English speaker. How can I improve my academic writing skills in English?’
‘My research paper has been rejected because of poor English. Can you help me fix the writing before I resubmit?’
‘We have many international PhD students, but no English for Academic Purposes programme in place. We’d like to host a workshop in EAP – can you help?’

If any of those questions has brought you to Artigraphy, you’re in the right place.

Who we are

Artigraphy evolved from English Finish, an established provider of editorial services to professional writers, especially in the areas of the social sciences, CSR, organisation studies and film theory and practice. After nearly two decades, English Finish was regenerated as Artigraphy, an innovative provider of editorial services, bespoke intensive workshops on English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and writing diagnostics.

What we do

At Artigraphy we specialise in substantive (content) editing, language editing and English for Academic Purposes (EAP). We offer editorial support to authors in a range of disciplines – especially to non-native English speakers who choose or have to write in English and want to feel as confident about the quality of their work as when they write in their own language. But this is not all.

What we do differently

At Artigraphy we like to think out of the proverbial box. To develop our unique approach to the services we offer, we adopted and adapted some of the user-centred principles of UX design; for some of the modules in our AWE (‘Academic Writing in English’) workshops, we repurposed aspects of the Agile methodology. We also follow the Ciep (‘Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading’) Code of Practice – because – to paraphrase Don Norman and Jakob Nielsen – best practices are key to creating an ‘exemplary’ client experience.

Our clients

Our clients include numerous researchers affiliated with established universities and institutes, such as the Pennsylvania State University (USA), the Rotterdam School of Management (the Netherlands), the Warwick Business School (UK), Ludwig-Maximilians University (Germany), the Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), the University of Loughborough (UK), the University of Konstanz (Germany), the Institute for Mediterranean Studies (Greece), the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), the German Research Center for Environmental Health (Germany), the University of Hamburg (Germany), the University of Zurich (Switzerland), Lund University (Sweden), the Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada); the list is not exhaustive. We have also worked with film critics, literary critics, art critics, scriptwriters, the Greek Film Archive and the Greek Film Center (Greece).

We take pride in achieving 100% positive feedback from our clients to date. The testimonials of authors we have worked with and researchers we have coached in our workshops speak for themselves.

Our subject areas

At Artigraphy we cover three broad subject areas: the humanities, general and popular science and film theory and practice.
We particularly welcome writing projects on social impact, social innovation and humanitarian initiatives.

Over the years, we have edited, assessed and supported editorially several works on corporate social responsibility (CSR), behavioural economics, social anthropology, business management (theory and practice), history, psychology, psychiatry, epidemiology, art criticism, literary theory and criticism, film theory and criticism, as well as screenplays and synopses. We have also edited the content of academic websites as well as some non-fiction (self-help guides, travel guides).

How to book our services