At English Finish we specialise in editing articles, papers, reviews, scripts, reports, catalogues, and books written in English by non-native speakers.



What is English Finish
An agency that has been providing copy-editing and proofreading services to professional writers worldwide for over a decade. We take pride in achieving 100% positive feedback from our clients to date, and in our clients' reporting overwhelmingly positive feedback from their publishers.


We specialise in language-editing for non-native speakers who choose or have to write in English and want to feel as confident about the quality of their work as when they write in their own language.

Why would you need a copy editor or a proofreader?
Most of us write from some sort of 'script' in our heads. When we go back to read what we've written, our brain anticipates the vocabulary we've chosen and the structure we've devised for our text. Because our work is so familiar to us, we normally lack not only the critical distance from which gaps and mistakes become clearly visible, but also the fresh eye that will spot them.
For that reason, most copy editors and proofreaders won't correct texts written by themselves.

A professional copy editor or proofreader will bring that fresh eye to your written work, plus a toolkit of skills and techniques for repairing any problems that crop up

Copy-editing or proofreading?
While there is an overlap between the two, the terms are not synonymous. When you submit a manuscript for publication it is first copy-edited, then proofread. In the process, the copy editor will overhaul your manuscript so that the proofreader can run the final check and eliminate any remaining errors before your work is sent to the printer. 

Find out more about
the copy-editing and proofreading services offered by English Finish to decide which service you need.
pointer Important!
Please take time to read 'the small print'.
When you hire English Finish, it will be assumed that you have read, understood, and accepted our terms & conditions, as stipulated in the contract.

Our Clients

Our clients, whether native speakers or ESL writers, include:
  • academic writers, management consultants (University of Zurich   Switzerland; Ludwig-Maximilians University  Munich, Germany; Freie Universit�t Berlin  Germany; Copenhagen Business School  Denmark; Witten/Herdecke University Germany; University of Oldenburg Germany; German Research Center for Environmental Health  Neuherberg, Germany; Psychiatric Hospital of Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany; Rouen Business School   France; Institute for Mediterranean Studies  Rethymno, Greece; University of Linz – Austria; Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam; Universit� du Qu�bec � Montr�al – Canada; London School of Economics – UK; Lund University – Sweden)
  • scriptwriters, journalists, critics (film critics; literary critics; art critics; the Greek Film Archive Athens, Greece; the Greek Film Center Athens, Greece)
  • postdoctoral researchers (film studies; business studies)
  • freelance writers  (short stories; non-fiction)

Our Subject Areas

Our subject areas include:
  • corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • social anthropology
  • business management (theory and practice)
  • history
  • psychology
  • psychiatry
  • neurology
  • genetics
  • epidemiology
  • film theory and criticism
  • screenplays, synopses
  • art reviews
  • literary criticism
  • general non-fiction (e.g. websites, self-help guides, travel guides)

To ensure a high standard of service offered to our clients we follow best-practice guidelines as set by the Society for Editors and Proofreaders' (Sfep) Code of Practice.

Planning & Deadlines
We work on a first-come, first-served basis. Our schedule tends to be full. To avoid disappointment, plan ahead and reserve your slot well in advance of your deadline.
  • Aim to contact us at least 3 weeks before your deadline, if the length of your manuscript is around 5,000 words and/or if your command of English is not comparable to that of a native speaker.
  • Aim to contact us at least 4 weeks before your deadline, if your manuscript is longer than 10,000 words and/or if your command of English is not comparable to that of a native speaker.
  • For longer projects (e.g. books, PhD theses) please get in touch at least 3 months before your deadline, to arrange a time frame.
  • For proofreading or light copy-editing of manuscripts not longer than 5,000 words, please contact us at least 2 weeks before your deadline.
  • We may be able to take on last-minute jobs, and we'll do our best to help you meet that urgent deadline, depending on our schedule. Please note that urgent jobs carry a surcharge.
  • Please consult our guidelines before submitting your work for proofreading.

pointer   The million-dollar tip for authors: plan realistically, not optimistically.

It may not be quite a million, but this tip certainly translates into saving time & money for everyone involved. Experience shows that many authors are overoptimistic about the time it'll take them to complete their manuscript.

To avoid unnecessary frustration, opt for realistic, as opposed to ideal, deadlines

Remember that copy editors, proofreaders, and publishers often work to very tight schedules that can only absorb limited delays. To make sure that you can deliver your manuscript in time, and get it back in time, it pays to plan realistically.

Also remember that it isn't always possible for a copy editor to find other work if you cancel at short notice, so please don't book with a view to cancelling if e.g. your hypotheses are not confirmed, your models don't work, or your research has gaps.

pointer NEW! Workshops on academic writing skills for non-native English speakers

English Finish now offers bespoke intensive workshops on academic writing skills for non-native English speakers – at your university.
These workshops can benefit greatly academics and aspiring academics who wish or need to publish their research in English.
For more details click here.

Here are a few screenshots of client feedback, which we always appreciate:

positive feedback

+ve feedback

+ve feedback

+ve feedback

+ve feedback

+ve feedback

+ve feedback

+ve feedback

+ve feedback

+ve feedback

+ve feedback

+ve feedback

+ve feedback

Contact Us

You can e-mail English Finish for a free quotation. Before you do so, you might like to consult
which we hope you will  find helpful. You may also wish to have a look at our general terms & conditions.

Verband der Freien Lektorinnen und Lektoren (VFLL) Sfep: Society for Editors and Proofreaders (UK) Sfep Code of Practice
National Union of Journalists (UK) NUJ Freelance Fees Guides: Print Media Editorial Freelancers Association (US)
European Association of Science Editors Federation of European Publishers Copy-editing & writing services in German: Christiane Fritsche

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*Literally? 'English Finish' is a term used in the print industry to describe a 'smooth finish on uncoated book paper; smoother than eggshell, rougher than smooth'.


Website design and graphics by A. Gause. This website has been developed for English Finish Editing Services and is hosted by
Copyright � Artemis Gause 2006, 2009; last updated May 2013.