

English Finish
was set up by freelance copy editor Artemis Gause, who has worked in the bibliography and editorial teams of the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford DNB, published by Oxford University Press, UK division), and as in-house copy editor at the American College of Greece (Athens). She has contributed twelve articles to the Oxford DNB and written pieces of literary criticism on modern novelists.

Artemis studied Human Sciences (BA Hons) at Oxford University, English Literature (MA) at the University of East Anglia, and Publishing Studies (Buchwissenschaft) at Ludwig-Maximilians Universität in Munich, Germany.  She has also learned the fundamentals of JavaScript, trained in web design and continues to train in UX design.

Thanks to her broad academic and professional background she can handle subjects ranging from genetics to social anthropology to film and literary criticism. Many of her regular clients include film critics and  business management experts. She also works as a freelance translator (from Greek into English).

Artemis specialises in content editing and delivers workshops on academic writing geared to the needs of students and professionals who are not as fluent in English as in their own language.


web address: www.englishfinish.co.uk e-mail address:  info@englishfinish.co.uk you can also contact us at:  englishfinish@gmail.com

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Website design and graphics by A. Gause. This website has been developed for English Finish Editing Services � and is hosted by Awardspace.com.
Copyright � A. Gause 2006, 2009; updated May 2013.