
Rates & Fees

Basic editing vs content editing: what’s the difference?

As a rule of thumb, basic copy editing is suitable for most non-technical texts (e.g. newspaper articles, TV scripts, short stories, popular science articles) written by authors as proficient in English as native speakers are.

In contrast, content editing (also known as ‘developmental’ or ‘substantive’ editing) is suitable for academic works and manuscripts written in technical or specialised language.

Language editing is typically what a publisher requires of authors who are not as comfortable writing in English as in their own language. It complements either basic editing or content editing and is offered as part of our Plus packages.

What services do you offer?

English Finish offers two types of editing: Basic and Comprehensive.
The Basic service includes:
  • Correcting spelling, typos, as well as basic grammar and syntax errors.
  • Applying the publisher’s house style consistently to the body of the manuscript and any appendices.
  • A concise assessment of the manuscript, in terms of linguistic clarity and overall coherence.
This service is suitable for:
  • Manuscripts that have already undergone content editing and, where appropriate, language editing.
  • Articles that have already received an R&R and need only minor modifications.
The Comprehensive service includes:
  • Everything in the Basic package, plus
  • Improving clarity, style and flow.
  • Restructuring the material to improve readability and coherence.
  • Recasting sentences to achieve a natural, consistent writing style.
  • Providing extensive and targeted guidance on specific passages, sections or aspects of writing.
The Basic Plus and the Comprehensive Plus services include language editing as part of the respective package.

The rates quoted below cover one complete round of treatment plus support by e-mail after delivery.

We also offer
immersive workshops on academic writing geared to the needs of non-native speakers. For more details, please visit this page.

How long does it take to edit a manuscript?

Turnaround time and cost depend on the type of service a manuscript requires. This, in turn, depends on a number of factors:
  • The extent to which an author is fluent in written English.
  • The topic of the manuscript.
  • The length of the manuscript.
  • Whether the manuscript has already been edited.
  • Whether the author requires factual checking and bibliographic editing in addition to content editing or language editing.

We offer competitive rates, based on Sfep's recommended rates for freelancers. Our rates are quoted in GBP (£), but payment in either GBP or euro is possible.

Please note that urgent requests carry a surcharge of at least 50%, depending on the text and the requested turnaround time. We only accept urgent requests when we can guarantee that we will meet your deadline.

Our minimum charge is £30.
Manuscript length
(word count)
Basic / Basic Plus
Comprehensive / Comprehensive Plus
40006000 £400 / £450£450 / £500
60018000 £450 / £500£500 / £550
800110000 £500 / £550£550 / £600
1000112000 £550 / £600£650 / £700
1200114000 £650 / £700£750 / £800
over 14000 please
contact us
contact us
Workshopsfrom  £60  an hourmore details

web address: www.englishfinish.co.uk e-mail address:  info@englishfinish.co.uk you can also contact us at:  englishfinish@gmail.com

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Website design and graphics by A. Gause. This website has been developed for English Finish Editing Services and is hosted by Awardspace.com.
Copyright © Artemis Gause 2006; updated 2019.