
Copy editing
at a glance
pointerPlease consult our guidelines before submitting your work for copy editing.

A copy editor will identify and correct inconsistencies in spelling, style, and layout, smooth away faulty grammar and problematic syntax, and ensure your work has that all-important professional finish. What's more, especially in the case of texts translated from another language, a copy editor will polish awkward phrasing to improve readability.

A note on language editing
Many perhaps most authors aim at reaching as many readers as possible. That's why, increasingly, non-native speakers of English, especially in academia, write their papers and books directly in English.

Non-native speakers vary widely in their ability to handle a foreign language. This makes word count alone an unreliable indicator of how much editing a text written by a non-native speaker (or translated from a different language by a non-professional translator) will require. This is why we base our fees for copy editing on the number of hours needed rather than the number of words contained in a text.
The amount of language-editing that each text involves is reflected in the cost which, however, is still much lower than that of employing a professional translator.

If you write in English and are not as comfortable as when you write in your own language 
but want your text to be as good as that of a native speaker  a language editor is here to help.

To achieve the quality you strive for, the language editor will often rephrase parts of your text, as well as query whatever is ambiguous or unclear. When you receive the edited draft, you'll be asked to respond to the queries, vet and integrate the changes, then send it back to the editor, who will check your text again and ensure that the final draft is ready to be submitted to your publisher.

At English Finish, the copy editor will...
  • check and amend spelling and punctuation
  • check grammar and usage
  • improve clarity of expression
  • ensure consistency in prose style
  • check consistency in layout and style features (e.g. italics, headings, alternative spellings, lists)
In addition, depending on your needs, the copy editor may also
  • correct factual mistakes (e.g. dates, names, titles)
  • identify potentially offensive or libellous material
  • restructure text, where necessary, to eliminate ambiguities and awkward phrasing
  • check, format, and verify your bibliography (on request)
For more details, have a look at our rates and fees and the bespoke service we offer. In addition, you can find out more about what copy editors do (and don't do) here.

web address: www.englishfinish.co.uk e-mail address:  info@englishfinish.co.uk you can also contact us at:  englishfinish@gmail.com

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Website design and graphics by A. Gause. This website has been developed for English Finish Editing Services and is hosted by Awardspace.com.
Copyright © Artemis Gause 2006, 2009; updated May 2013.