
at a glance
pointer Please consult our guidelines before submitting your work for proofreading.

A proofreader will scan a text mainly for typos, slip-ups in spelling and punctuation, and inconsistencies in layout, and mark problematic spots (e.g. wrong captions). Proofreading is primarily a quality check on the already edited text and involves identifying and flagging up mistakes and making minor corrections.

 At English Finish, the proofreader will...

  • check and amend spelling and punctuation (including consistency with either British or US spelling)
  • check consistency in layout and design
  • check illustrations to ensure they match their captions
  • compare typeset proofs with the final, edited draft
You can read more about what proofreaders do (and don't do) here.

web address: www.englishfinish.co.uk e-mail address:  info@englishfinish.co.uk you can also contact us at:  englishfinish@gmail.com

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Website design and graphics by A Gause. This website has been developed for English Finish Editing Services and is hosted by Awardspace.com.
Copyright � Artemis Gause 2006, 2009; updated May 2013.