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Artigraphy Editing – FAQs

Step 1
Send us an e-mail with the following details:
  1. Your name and professional/business address.
  2. The type of service you’d like to book.
  3. Your subject area and topic.
  4. The rough word count of your manuscript. Exclude any sections you don’t want edited (e.g. the references list) and any tables that consist almost exclusively of numbers.
  5. The approximate or exact dates that suit you best (e.g. 15–25 March; mid March).
  6. Whether your manuscript has already been edited and/or submitted to a publisher.
  7. You may also tell us, if you wish, whether the peer reviewers or your publisher’s editor had any comments to make on things such as grammar, structure or argumentation.
Step 2
We will reply as soon as we can, usually within 3 working days, to offer you the nearest available slot. The e-mail will include a link to the online Agreement Form. Please do not submit the form before making sure that you are happy with the arranged dates and service.

Step 3
Once you are satisfied with the suggested dates and are clear about the overall arrangement, please read the terms & conditions and then fill in and submit the online form. That’s it – you should get an automated confirmation as soon as you submit it.
Step 1
Send us an e-mail with the following details:
  1. Your name and professional/business address.
  2. The number of participants.
  3. The capacity of the participants (e.g. PhD students, academic researchers, professionals).
  4. The modules you have selected.
  5. The approximate or exact dates that suit you best (e.g. 15–25 March; mid March).
  6. The organisation and location.
Step 2
We will reply as soon as we can, usually within 3 working days, to discuss availability and offer you a quote. The e-mail will include a link to the online Agreement Form. Please do not submit the form before making sure that you are happy with the overall arrangement.

Step 3
Once you are satisfied with the suggested dates and overall arrangement, please read the terms & conditions, then fill in and submit the online form. That’s it; you should get an automated confirmation as soon as you submit it.
No, you don’t. All you need to do is fill in and submit the Agreement Form. However, if you or your employer requires a formal contract, you can download, fill in, sign and submit electronically a copy for us to countersign.

We’re more than happy to provide you with a certificate stating that your work has been professionally edited. The certificate is valid so long as you incorporate in your manuscript the changes that the editor has made or suggested and you don’t make any other changes in the edited document.

We can guarantee that your manuscript will not be rejected on the grounds of poor English, provided that you have incorporated the changes that the editor has made or suggested and you have not made other changes before submitting your work. However, publishers assess many different aspects of writing to decide whether to accept or reject a manuscript: e.g. the quality of a research study, the accuracy of factual arguments, the robustness of a plot.

In most cases, the editor will make numerous ‘silent’ changes but will also suggest changes for you to make when you come to revise the edited draft of your work – for example, when a sentence is ambiguous or a passage might fit better elsewhere in the manuscript. In all those cases, you will be invited and encouraged to make the suggested changes.

However, if you decide to change anything that the editor or proofreader has already modified, corrected or left alone, you may inadvertently introduce new errors or problems. For that reason, it’s not a good idea to make changes to an already edited manuscript, except for those recommended by the editor. You will know exactly what you are advised to change and where, because the editor will flag up those passages for you to check.

You are always welcome to e-mail us if e.g. you want to modify an edited sentence, add a new sentence or clarify a suggestion made by the editor. We are happy to offer you support with such minor edits. If you add quite a bit of new material or change your already edited (or otherwise processed) work significantly in any other way, please request a new booking.

We don’t take on ghostwriting jobs; sorry.

It depends on when you cancel and on your agreement with Artigraphy. You can find out what happens if you cancel in the terms & conditions that apply to various cases. Generally:

  • If you have booked an editorial service and cancel well in advance of the date on which you’ve agreed to deliver your work to Artigraphy, you will get a simple confirmation that our agreement has been cancelled.
  • If you have booked an editorial service and cancel close to the date on which you’ve agreed to send us your manuscript, you may be asked to reimburse Artigraphy: if you think about it, when you book an affordable airline ticket, you always have to pay in advance and you rarely get any refund if you don’t use your ticket. We don’t ask you to pay in advance – although many freelancers do – but we do expect all clients to honour the agreement. Remember that freelance editors and coaches are on no-one’s payroll and that when you reserve a slot, the freelancer will often turn down other offers of work to take on yours.

Yes; generally, it is possible to transfer a slot you’ve booked but can no longer use to another author, if the ‘replacement’ manuscript is suitable in terms of length and overall difficulty and if the author you’ve asked to take over your slot accepts the terms of the agreement you have concluded with Artigraphy. A couple of things to note:

  • You need to let us know that a colleague would like to use your slot instead of you and to check whether this is feasible in the first place.
  • If the ‘replacement’ is longer than yours, the fee will be adjusted accordingly.
  • If the ‘replacement’ is shorter, we may not always be able to offer a lower fee, depending on when you contact us.
  • If the proposed ‘replacement’ is not suitable (e.g. because it is highly technical or too long for the reserved slot), we may have to turn it down.
  • The general terms & conditions of the original agreement apply in all cases.

In that case, you have two options:

  1. If you’re nowhere near ready, you can cancel your slot or ask a colleague to take it over from you – but make sure that you read the terms of your agreement first.
  2. If you’re not quite ready, please e-mail as soon as you can: we always try to accommodate our clients’ needs, so, if it is possible, we will ask you to send us the first few pages of your work on the agreed start date and negotiate by when we should have the rest.

We are always happy to help if you have an urgent request, depending on availability. For documents of 500–3000 words, Express editing may be what you need. For shorter documents, please keep in mind that urgent requests do carry a surcharge.

  • We accept documents in the following file formats: .doc, .docx, .odt, .wps, .rtf, .txt
  • If your document is in a different format, such as LaTeX or PDF, please convert it into any of the file formats listed above before delivering it for editing, proofreading or manuscript evaluation.
  • Bear in mind that the conversion of PDF or LaTeX to an editable text format is often imperfect. If there are many conversion flaws in a document, we may charge separately for proofreading it in addition to editing it, so we’d recommend that you go through the converted document to correct conversion errors before you send it to us.
  • You can send us a PDF for writing check-up, but you will get our report as a PDF or Word document.
  • There are many free online converters for you to choose from, such as Convert Files. Please note that we do not endorse any specific converter – use whichever you like.

Please convert your PDF or LaTeX document into a .doc, .docx, .odt, .wps, .rtf or .txt file before delivering it for editing, proofreading or manuscript evaluation.
Bear in mind that the conversion of PDF or LaTeX to an editable text format is often imperfect. If there are many conversion flaws in a document, we may charge separately for proofreading it in addition to editing it, so we’d recommend that you go through the converted document to correct conversion errors before you send it to us.

First, choose the service that best suits your needs; then, check the cost in the handy table on our Rates page.

Editors, like translators, calculate their rates on the basis of how many words they can process per hour – on average, anywhere between 1–3 pages per hour for ‘difficult’ text. Research papers and academic works more generally are almost always considered ‘difficult’ for editorial purposes.
The exact figure depends on how well a text is written, how fluent the author and how demanding the subject matter is. In the case of substantive editing, content editing, language editing and developmental editing, in addition to those factors, the editor’s speed also depends on the extent to which a text will need to be recast (i.e. rewritten) or restructured.

The easiest method is by direct bank transfer: every invoice, whether in GBP or EUR, includes all necessary details. Alternatively, you can use a service such as Currencies Direct or XE Money Transfer. We are not in anyway affiliated with and receive no commission from any of these companies. You can choose any similar company, provided that it has an FCA registration.

Yes, you can pay in either euro or sterling. We don’t expect this to change because of Brexit.

We are happy to provide you with a formal confirmation that our fees do not carry VAT, if your organisation requires it.

Absolutely. At Artigraphy we keep our clients at the centre of the services we design and deliver. Let us know what works well for you – and what you’d like us to change as your needs and expectations change. You can write to us or send us your comments anonymously (if you prefer) via the feedback form.