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Artigraphy Editing – Testimonials

What our clients say

Building strong collaborative relationships with our clients is paramount to our success. To date, client feedback, which we always appreciate, has been consistently – and exclusively – positive, both on our workshops in academic writing and on our editing services.

Don’t take our word for it; take a look at the selection of client feedback below to see for yourself (and, in case you’re wondering whether the comments are genuine, you can view the anonymised screenshots of the actual messages by clicking on the links in the feedback boxes).

‘Dear Artemis [...] I have to say that I was quite impressed by the thoroughness of your edits and comments. Thank you very much for this excellent service!’
‘I am back from my vacation and now had time to go through your work. It is simply terrific – thank you so much!’
Thank you very, very much for all your editing.’
‘I am as usual deeply impressed by the quality of your work. You have helped us to significantly improve the paper.’
‘Just wanted to let you know that the article that you edited for us late last year has now been conditionally accepted. Thanks very much for your highly valuable work. It is much appreciated.’
Your edits are great – the paper and the letter to the referees reads so much better. I did not have any question – every remark was very clear!’
‘I have now worked through your edits and want to thank you again for your excellent work!
‘Dear Artemis [...] As you may know, my paper [...] has been published online – thanks again!
‘I don't believe that any text I've ever written or will ever write was or will be read so exactly and carefully as you did [...].’
‘Dear Artemis [...] thank you very much for your fast response and your excellent work.’
‘Thank you very, very much for your revision of our manuscript [...]. Your comments were extremely helpful!!
‘Dear Artemis, I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciated your language editing. Your reformulations and comments were spot on and [...] certainly helped us improve our paper. Thank you very much!’
workshop participants: 80% very useful 20% loved it survey results showing clients described editorial quality as high survey results showing clients find cheaper competitors offer lower quality