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Artigraphy Editing – Our rates

We believe in fair play and neither overcharge our clients nor undercut our competitors: our rates are aligned with the rates most editors affiliated with major academic publishers charge and with the rates the Ciep recommends in the UK.

Unlike some editors, we strive to be completely transparent and don’t hide important details in the ‘small print’. Whether you choose substantive editing (Comprehensive Plus), copy editing (Basic Plus) or proofreading or are interested in our workshops, you can find out precisely what each package includes and use the table below to work out what you can expect to pay for what service. If you're looking for a detailed guide to choosing and working with an academic editor in particular, have a look at this article by Prof. Wendy Laura Belcher, who explains how you can prepare your manuscript for editing and dispels various ‘misconceptions about how much copyediting costs and how long it takes’ (note that she uses the term ‘copyediting’ to refer to different types of editing). And if you have any questions that this information and our FAQs don’t cover, you are welcome to e-mail us.

NB: please note that the table below displays the actual prices; our services do not carry VAT.

Book-early bonus: benefit from a discount of £5 for documents up to 12,000 words, £10 for documents 12,001–14,000 words or £15 for documents 14,001–18,000 words by booking and paying the invoice up to 30 days in advance of sending us your work for Basic Plus or Comprehensive Plus editing. For documents exceeding 18,000 words, please get in touch. Terms & conditions apply.

Surcharge: urgent requests that carry a short deadline (72 hours or less for documents over 5,000 words or 24 hours or less for documents under 3,000 words) also carry a surcharge. This ranges from a minimum of 25% to 100% of the fee where weekend work or work over bank holidays is required. For urgent editing with a 48-hour turnaround time, try our Express editing service. All last-minute requests are subject to availability.

Manuscript length (word count) Basic Plus Comprehensive Plus
≤ 250 £50 £60
251–500 £60 £80
501–2000 £200 £300
2001–4000 £350 £450
4001–6000 £450 £500
6001–8000 £500 £600
8001–10000 £550 £650
10001–12000 £600 £700
12001–14000 £700 £800
over 14000 Please contact us Please contact us
Workshops From £60 an hour More details
One-to-one coaching From £80 an hour More details
Writing check-up
Report only: £60
Tutorial only: £60 for 60'
Report + tutorial (45'): £100
More details
Express editing
up to 500 words: £75
501–1500 words: £150
1501–3000 words: £300
More details
Manuscript evaluation
Indicative rates:
2500 words
Report only: £150
Report + tutorial (60'): £200
5000 words
Report only: £250
Report + tutorial (60'): £300
10000 words
Report only: £450
Report + tutorial (60'): £500
More details
Indicative rates:
Non-academic documents
10000 words: £85
15000 words: £125
Research papers
10000 words: £125
15000 words: £190
Dissertations & PhD theses
80000 words: £990
100000 words: £1240
Contact us for details